

Purpose Lab develops and markets projects and concepts for destinations and brands in the field of responsible travel. From customized research to campaign and from trend reading to implementation workshop. Founder Tessa aan de Stegge is a trend researcher and communication specialist. Purpose Lab consists of a network of experts in the field of copywriting, design, online marketing, influencer marketing, video, photography, web & app development, research and PR.

The conscious way of travelling is and has always been key for tourism in Switzerland. Especially nowadays, where sustainability seems to be omnipresent, we wanted to approach this highly sensitive and yet so important topic together with real experts on this field. With Purpose Lab have we found a strong sparring partner with a great network, expertise and like-minded visions to live co-creation in this field.
Priska Renold
Zwitserland Toerisme


Magnetic Latvia
Sunny Cars
Travel Congress 2019
Travel Impact Lab
Travel Media
Baden Württemberg
Zwitserland Toerisme
Oostenrijks Toeristenburo
The Conscious Edition
Schwarzwald Tourismus
Purpose Lab Projecten