Travel Project
Purpose Lab developed the Conscious Travel Project for Switzerland Tourism and her regional key partners: a co-creation of experts, scientists, entrepreneurs and media concerning the topic of conscious travel and the opportunities for destination Zwitserland.
Switzerland takes the lead in (ecological) sustainability worldwide but is known as a sustainable holiday destination for only 12% of Dutch travelers and 14% of Flemish people. Switzerland is also progressive in terms of tourism. A sophisticated train network, for example, makes it possible to travel through Switzerland in a simple and eco-friendly way and there are 153 SAC mountain huts scattered throughout the country. Switzerland has one national park and seventeen nature parks. The Swiss concept “Tavolata” brings together local culinary traditions and tourists. Female farmers benefit economically from this. Moreover, it has a positive impact on the promotion and use of local production and the preservation of culture.
Purpose Lab developed the Conscious Travel Project and conducts this is close cooperation with Switzerland Tourism and a network of experts in sustainable travel. The objective of the project is to study the potential of sustainable travel and to develop such experiences and innovative ways of marketing them. The 1.0 version of the project consists of a quantitative and qualitative research, a network event and Trip & Summit in Zwitserland. In 2021 the 2.0 project consisted of campaigns, the development of trips by influencers and a festival for consumers.
We gathered a committed and highly skilled network of 25 experts from Switzerland, The Netherlands and Belgium who contribute on the long term to this project. The research shows that people are more interested in sustainable travel as soon as they know more about it. Awareness, information provision and active involvement of the traveler, therefore, play a key role. Innovative experiences in sustainable travel should meet a number of already known and newly discovered criteria. The research- and concept results have a confidential purpose for Switzerland Tourism and its partners. the insights have been processed into product development, marketing and a festival. Switzerland Tourism integrated the Conscious Travel Project into the new central sustainable strategy Swisstainable.
The credits for this project's video are for Elise Wiebes of Meraki Studios, photography by Chris König and the artwork is created by our designpartner The Wiebes Agency. The header photo is taken in Bern, Alphütte Tronegg, by ©Anja Zurbrügg.