WilderSüden: a green micro adventure in southwest Germany
Surprisingly wild landscapes in southwest Germany.
Hike in Achertal
Achertal is also located in the Black Forests and consists of Kappelrodeck/Waldulm, Ottenhöfen and Seebach/Mummelsee. The mild climate means the meadows and fruit trees blossom very early and in a gorgeous array of colour, this makes it a great place to visit in spring. In Ottenhöfen you'll encounter lots of mill hiking trails and the Edelfrauengrab waterfalls, you can also dive into a nature swimming pool. Kappelrodeck is the place for so-called liquor-trails. Seebach/Mummelsee is home to the highest mountain of the northern Black Forest and premium hiking trails like Bosensteiner Almpfad.
More information and photo credits
More information about WilderSüden can be found in the mediaroom of Baden-Wuerttemberg. For cooperations please contact Purpose Lab.
Header photo: Baumwipfelpfad, Schwarzwald Tourismus Gmbh Nördlicher Schwarzwald.
Photo 1 : Fietsen in zuidwest Duitsland, TMBW / Fabian Teuber.
Photo 2: Heksenhuis in Renchtal, Renchtal Tourismus Gmbh, Manfred Huber.
Photo 3: Edelfrauengrab waterval in Achertal, Tourist Info Ottenhöfen.
Photo 4: Mainau eiland, Mende.
Photo 5: Loopbrug Noordelijke Zwarte Woud, Tourismus Gmbh Nördlicher Schwarzwald Wildline.
Photo 6: Pforzheim Schmuckmuseum, Winfried Reinhardt.