How Latvia stimulates conscious travel together with niche content creators

Influencer Marketing for Latvia
MixedGrill, LittleSpoon, ModerneHippies and Professional Wild Child traveled the Baltic county for the campaign and they were accompanied by local Latvian buddies. Spending nights in a historical sanatorium building, going to the first art biennale of Riga, baking rye bread with a local or hiking with a local through the swamp. Latvia appeared to be more than surprising and that showed in the Instagram take-over and the articles, posts and video that reached 250,000 followers in total.
Inspirational blog campaign Latvia
Purpose Lab developed this campaign and worked together with three top notch content creators for the conduction.

Green and trendy places
Latvia can call itself a literal green destination. The country has a coastline of 500 kilometers and more than half of the total surface of this Baltic state is forest. Latvia also is the home of one of the wildest waterfalls of Europe and during summer time the population can enjoy 20 hours of sunlight a day. Zoë van Liere from Professional Wild Child and ModerneHippies experienced a soulful sisterhood with video maker Alaia and their Latvian travel buddie Sibilla. Their road trip passed the coast, swamps, green forests and steep cliffs. Zoë: “Latvia is in my opinion an undiscovered green pearl and I am mesmerized by the beauty of this country. Add a few hip hotels, trendy restaurants and original accommodations and you will find the ideal mix of modern, trendy places and beautiful, almost abandoned nature areas there.”

Pure biological food without unnecessary additions
Latvia is also a green country on the aspect of food: the Latvians love to forage and go into nature for seasonal products like mushrooms, berries and herbs. Stefanie Houterman – van der Maas from LittleSpoon went out with Latvian Katrïna. Together they visited a brewery from 1764, discovered Latvian superfoods like hemp, went to local markets and plucked healing herbs. “I enjoyed the food so much. A lot of local, biological and seasonal products. No unnecessary additions and very pure. Super inspiring for a food blogger and lover of good food like me.” Latvia is one of the most special countries Stefanie has ever visited.

Riga, what you expect and more
A third of the Latvian population lives in the capital Riga where architecture lovers find a whopping 800 Art Nouveau buildings. There is not only history, but there is a lot going on in the culture of today and in the area of art. Marco Démout from the online cultural magazine MixedGrill discovered Riga together with local Agnese in Dutch style: on a bicycle. Marco visited the first art biennale of Riga, had a personal meeting with entrepreneurs of concept stores and galleries and discovered the history of the old city and local drinks like the alcoholic kvass that is made from rye. Marco: “Riga and Latvia were a pleasant surprise. I thought I knew where I was going, but in reality it was way more than that.”
Purpose Lab for you
Purpose Lab develops concepts and campaigns for destinations and brands. For more information, visit the campaigns & concepts page on our website.